Monday, February 22, 2010

A Boiling Pot

Wow.. when was the last time I even blogged. Well I'm planning to try to blog once in a while, or as much as I can again. Anyways, it's been a while and I have to admit.. I'm pretty rusty at this, well it's not like I was even good at this to start with.

Like I said, it's been a while, and I really would hate to start blogging with a negative story. But right now that's all I got.

Hypocrites and so-called people.

I'm sure I had talked about this in the past, but this topic never seems to cease. Recently I had a friend tell me they were mad at me and themselves. The reason? They dislike picking on me and being picked on by me even though we've been doing this for quite some time now. They refused to talk and ignored me for a bit too. And today some classmates told me that it was a pick on me day too. Wow. I don't mind, but it's funny. My own friend told me they wouldn't really want to talk to me since it would result in this "picking each other for fun like normal friends".

Lately, people have been complaining too me quite often too. Because of this friend incident, I stopped talking for a bit and when I did this people would complain to me and tell me to talk more. But when I do, I would be complained for talking. Seriously, I just can't win with you guys.
To add on, I was in the computer lab today and this friend thought it would be fun to pick on me for my interests. How many of you guys have interests different from your other friends? If you all said no, you would be lying. Well this friend liked to read story origins of movies and games. She would also like to read the books of action movies that were in theaters previously, and she personally prefer Greek dramas over Shakespeare. I'm not judging her and I'm not belittling her interests either.

But when I told her I don't read origins of movies and whatnot because of my classes and that I liked reading satiric stories and that I would much rather read Shakespeare than Greek dramas, she just laughed. She laughed at my personal preferences on literature, and laughed that I was even in an AP class since I didn't read the books she liked and told another random guy sitting in front of us. They started laughing at me and belittling me. I'm sorry don't read literature because of my classes and other stuff going on in my life. I'm sorry I don't want to read the books YOU love. I'm sorry that I'm stupid and taking an AP class. I never made fun of you for reading in your spare time and I don't make fun of your interests. And I don't belittle you in front of a somewhat stranger that now thinks I'm an enormous idiot that supposely hates reading and have no class, all because I don't read the books you like. Just thanks, thanks alot.

Maybe I've been moody lately. Or maybe I was just a boiling pot of water that was in this heat(your nonstop joking and humiliating of me) for just too long. And that I didn't know how to let myself steam off a bit at a time.

*Note: Yes, I know my writing style is a bit different. Like I said it's been a while and I'm rusty-and I'm a bit upset, thus creating this style.

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