Monday, November 24, 2008

Perfect To Your Demand

Maybe just once. Please, just once. Just once... Stop... But by every waking moment passing, it does not stop. One by one, your words continue to pierce through my heart.

Must every word that comes out from your mouth jab right through me? Must everything you say be a direct straight hit towards me? Must you be so angry with me? Is everything I do horrid and displeasing to you? And above all, what do you want from me?

Perfect. A word with indefinite meaning. But nevertheless all definitions evolve around a simple common meaning- to be excellent or complete beyond practical or theoretical improvement. [] Now, is that what you expect from me? Would you like me to be that
"perfect" person for you? Do you want me to be everything YOU wanted? Should I lose all that matters to me, to fulfill YOUR wishes? Is that what you want?

Thus may I conclude that everything that matters to me, everything I live for, MY morals shall be forgotten? Shall they be nothing more than a yesterday's dream? And here I am, being pulled in half. My morals and your wishes. Is it fair to have me lose all I care, just so you can be satisfied? Is it really true? Do I really exist to fulfill your every wish?

But of course, I strongly agree, I do live because of you. But is life as we know it, just a cycle? That you, the gardener who has given me life. And that my life is to be dedicated to serve you, my life giver. And is it really true, as you say, that my life is to only be lived to prepare you "fruits" and have no other purpose in life? If so, I rather die today, than to ever think of this- my life was made to fulfill yours.

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