Thursday, September 4, 2008


A nobody. Yes, a nobody. A perfect label for a person like me. Invisible, forgotten, a no one- all perfect descriptions for a person like me.

I'm just another girl in the crowd. My so-called friends and my oh-so-supportive family calls me Jessica Tang. But it is just a meaningless name for a meaningless person. A perfect match. There is no hidden meaning, there is nothing unique, nothing special; just an empty name. But little do they know, the secrets I've kept ; the stories waiting for the right moment, the right person to share with; the hopes and dreams I've always long for. No, not one of them, not one of them understands these dreams and pain I've kept bottled deep inside. For now until that day comes, I will always be a forgotten lock forever waiting for the correct combination to be cracked.

No one understands. To them I'm merely a nobody. My name is Jessica Tang and I am a nobody.

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