Thursday, June 17, 2010


Friends, who needs them? You give them your trust and everything but what does it matter? They're just monsters with masks. In life you need no one else except yourself and the people in front of you. Friends aren't the ones in front of you, they are the ones by your side. But guess what? In life you're not suppose to head off left or right, you're suppose to keep your head straight ahead. Haven't you heard? "Never lose sight of what's in front of you", or "Never look back, only ahead". And guess what? That means it's useless standing there dreading back in the past. You don't need anyone else in life.

Friends are not there when you need them, they run off when you need them.
Friends are not there to keep your secrets, they gossip behind your back.
Friends are not there when you fall, they'll gladly let you fall.
Friends are not there when you want someone to listen to your problems, they make you're problems sound stupid.
Friends do not care about you as much as you think they do, they pretend they do so you'll fall into their traps.

Oh no, don't get the wrong idea. It's not like I just hate everyone. It's just that my best friend stabbed me in the back and took everything away. Now I'm the loner and the outsider. My other friends see me as the enemy, when I was the one who introduced them to that best friend. Boy was I stupid.

So guess what? Thanks. Really I mean it. Thanks for making my senior year just that much more special. I can't wait until I get out of here. I can't wait until I don't have to see your faces anymore. So much for friends, eh?

I've been in many problems lately. Last week I had this major hit. I was upset and wanted to do crazy stuff. Well, that "best friend" suddenly cared about me and I was told that she was there for me from the back scenes. I seriously feel for it. I thought, hey maybe she does care. But I was wrong, what she did for me wasn't really from the heart as I thought it was. It seemed like a publicity stunt more than anything. Hey I'm not pointing any fingers, but that's what it seems like. You suddenly stop "caring" and all of my friends just think you're and stops talking to me. Yeah it sure seems like it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whether you like what you're about to read or not OR if it makes you rant more, I think you need to get told some things.

You say you don't want friends with "Friends,who needs them?" and that friends are worth shit with "So much for friends" then why do you complain when you're "the loner and the outsider"... You are very contradictory. Your friends do try and help you, they just get fed up with your negative attitude. Not to mention maybe it's YOU that drives your "friends" away. Have you ever thought about that? Look at the way you carry YOURSELF. You're in denial when you said, "Hey I'm not pointing any fingers". You are. You're blame everything on others because it's the easiest way out. It's always easy to say, "Oh yeah he/she never wanted to help me, it's his/her fault I don't talk to him/her anymore". Have you even tried to PATCH UP these problems? Ever talk to these "friends" about it. It's worth it to get THEIR side of the story instead of just listening to YOUR gut instincts. You may be thinking why the hell should I talk to a "backstabber"? But you're not getting the reason why they did what they did if you DON'T talk to them. If you're going through your life only listening to yourself and "birdies" then you're missing out on valid information. And if THEY don't understand, then maybe they aren't your friends and you should get ones that will listen.
LESSON ONE: Get over yourself...

How can you go FORWARD when there's something blocking it, aye? From what I can see you have The Great Wall of China blocking all of your paths. It doesn't seem like you give TWO CENTS about patching up these relationships because all you're doing is complaining. You just care about blaming the ones who, on your word, " let you fall". You take part in that falling. It takes two to mingle. You DO have to look behind. Especially at all the mistakes you have made. Maybe if you learned what you did WRONG these friendships wouldn't have gone so BAD. And don't say you didn't do anything wrong or you're in denial. It seems like you're LOOSING friends because you don't GIVE A SHIT.
LESSON TWO: Try CARING for once in your life.

One person cannot take EVERYTHING away from you. You have MUCH more to look for in life. If you keep having this negative attitude towards friendship, then don't bother with coming into contact with anyone. You have to keep an open mind about everyone. Treat THEM right and they'll treat YOU right. If they're the one's not treating you right, then I have no freaking clue why you would consider them a friend. And you're bringing on the same old boring "friendships are for losers" speech where: my friends lied to me, they hate me, they abandoned me, they hurt me, they etc. Shut up and deal with it then. If you think these "friends" are so bad then forget about ever having friends again. It seem like you're even left with none anyways. I don't know how you're going to do in college if you keep thinking like this.
LESSON THREE: If you're going to continue having "friendships", I suggest you have a personality check.

Yes, this is an anon. because I don't think knowing who I am makes a difference. It's easier to not know anyways. I'll leave you with this: Don't worry about who typed this up, just listen to what I have to say. I'm just some passerby that happened to read this entry with advice to give to someone who should haven an open mind.

P.S. Your sarcasm reeks with "PITY ME! PITY ME! PITY ME!". I don't pity you, but I do think things can turn around for you if you let yourself change your views on friendship for the better. Good Luck, you'll need it.