Thursday, June 10, 2010

100 Reasons Why I Hate You

  1. You don't listen to me.
  2. You judge me based on looks.
  3. You only love me cause of my appearance.
  4. You're so judgemental.
  5. You make others feel bad.
  6. You never really loved me.
  7. I was just a toy for you, and you were just stringing me on.
  8. You torture my, no our friends.
  9. You lie to everyone.
  10. You cheated on me, twice that I know of.
  11. You keep secrets from me.
  12. You hide you true face, and put on a mask.
  13. You never appreciated me.
  14. You kept on taking advantage of me.
  15. You never cared about me.
  16. You were low enough to play with a 8th grader's heart, because you were bored with me.
  17. You lied to your own friends.
  18. You treated your friends as trash or super great because you were using them.
  19. You kept acting innocent, when you're as guilty and dark as the black hole that now takes up my heart.
  20. You made me unable to trust anyone fully.
  21. You made me feel like an idiot.
  22. You never take the heat nor responsibility, you just keep finding scapegoats.
  23. You're violent, and you keep hurting me both mentally and physically.
  24. You made me learn to hate myself, never to love myself.
  25. I have a mental eating disorder because of you.
  26. I never leave before checking the mirror twice, worried that I look horrible.
  27. You made me learn to bottle up all my problems.
  28. You never gave me the chance to open myself up.
  29. You made me hate myself.
  30. You made me feel as if daggers, bullets, and other weapons were piercing through my heart.
  31. You made me have no self-respect for myself.
  32. You destroyed all that was my self-esteem.
  33. You make me to break a swear to all good that I shall never cuss and swear.
  34. You made me want to die at times.
  35. You made me feel as if my soul was trapped.
  36. You made me lose all of my friends.
  37. A hate group was created because I was with you.
  38. You never asked, cared, or questioned and believed me when I lied about the reason why they hated me.
  39. You never asked what was wrong, and when you do, you always settled down for the lie. Even when you knew it was lies.
  40. I lie to protect you like why I was hated, but you lie because you cheated, judgemental, and wicked.
  41. You don't tell me your deepest, darkest secrets when I tell you mine.
  42. You look at me not in my eyes, but at body parts.
  43. You don't see me as a human being, you see me as a doll or a toy.
  44. You make me feel as if whatever I want is wrong.
  45. You make me feel as if whatever I do is wrong.
  46. You flirt with others, and you take in their flirts when I'm not there.
  47. You flirt with others, and you take in their flirts when I am there.
  48. You like me because of my body more than my mind.
  49. I fear for your life and my life when we are together.
  50. You don't know how to flatter, but you're a pro at unflattering a person.
  51. You never say the right words, but you know the wrong words perfectly by heart.
  52. You never take charge, always make me do everything.
  53. When you do take charge, it's only to pull me, twist my arms, or to push me.
  54. You make me feel more like the boy in the relationship, you're personal babysitter, and your mother.
  55. You put me through our abusive relationship.
  56. You threatened to hurt yourself if I were to ever leave.
  57. Sometimes I feel as if the only reason why I'm still her is because I don't want you to kill yourself.
  58. You actually buy it when I tell you to leave me alone, when all I really needed was a hug.
  59. You never show up when I need you the most.
  60. You're cheap. You never really spend much when we're today.
  61. I spent over 600$ for you in less than 1 month because of you.
  62. You know I lost my job, but you still don't pay.
  63. You use lame tricks, like "I-can't-find-my-wallet" and "I'm-going-to-the-restroom", so you don't have to pay.
  64. I spent 100$ on your birthday and I even planned out a romantic dinner with you, but you ruined it by tagging along your friend. You spent very little time on my birthday and I paid for it again.
  65. I have to learn everything from these little birdies, your friends that feel sorry for me, and by myself-never from you.
  66. You are a coward, a chicken, an uncaring immature boy.
  67. We never solve our problems, because you get too immature.
  68. You throw tantrums, cry, scream, get very violent, pound everything around you, punch whatever you see, wind blows (if you're running), hurt yourself, scream, more cries, the tantrum again- whenever I even try to tell you what's wrong.
  69. You don't put in much, actually... anything, in our relationship.
  70. You sacrificed nothing, when I gave up almost everything to be with you.
  71. I have to always lie and say I'm okay when I'm not.
  72. I have to pretend everything is perfect because I can't tell you what's wrong.
  73. I have to always cheer you up when you were the one that started it.
  74. I have to fake my happiness around you.
  75. I'm my true self when you're here.
  76. I've seen and heard about you and your true self, and it scares me.
  77. The idea of what you might do to people who tipped me worries me.
  78. The way you act and talk to me when someone is there.
  79. The way you have to hide me because they can't find out that you're with me.
  80. You humiliated me, embarrassed me, made me feel threaten in front of others and privately.
  81. You make me feel horrible and bad when I didn't even really do much.
  82. You make me feel as if I don't even deserve you at times.
  83. Everyone tells me that I'm too good for you, but I don't buy it.
  84. Everyone feels bad for me, because I'm with you.
  85. Our relationship is based upon lies, false hope, and nothing.
  86. You act as if you don't know what I'm talking about.
  87. You purposely ignore me when I talk to you.
  88. You never really forgotten about your ex-girlfriends.
  89. You talk about me behind my back about how you dread the way I looked before.
  90. You push my buttons, when you know what my buttons are.
  91. You don't admit it when you did something wrong.
  92. You don't admit to your mistakes, even when you're caught.
  93. You never take the first move, I have to do it.
  94. You misunderstood me, and you keep misunderstanding me.
  95. You never really bother to actually know who I am.
  96. When I ask you why you loved me, you have me superficial words and words that are meaningless.
  97. You would easily leave me if I were to have a scar on my face.
  98. You were only interested in me because you saw pictures of me, and threw your belief of me being a fob away.
  99. I wasn't even a fob, but you thought I was and labeled me.
  100. You don't treasure or even value me.


Anonymous said...

If this person doesn't even treasure you or give you any value, what's the point in giving them your everything? Your friends care about you, but you're too stubborn to listen. Each time your friends see you hurt, they're hurt too because of how much you mean to them, but do you seem to care about how they feel right now? I don't think so. Your friends love you. I know it's your life, it's your choice in which path you take. Just don't blame the friends that were there for you, that you may lose. I know you don't like anything that is anonymously sent to you, but this is necessary. Take care.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry for interrupting... but I just feel to say this... Don't waste your life for someone who treat you like an option... There are so many people to treat you like a princess of their life... Take Care Buddy..

Anonymous said...

I can totally relate to this..

Anonymous said...

Walk away from this person. Now.

Anonymous said...

You, as a person, are worth more than anything and everything else on earth. I understand what it's like to deal with people threatening to hurt themselves if you leave them, but if you keep playing into his hands, you aren't helping him. At that point, it's already over. No question about it, you need to end the relationship. Tell his parents or someone who can deal with his threats and make sure he's ok. It's better for you and him that way. You know you deserve better. I know you deserve better. Even he deserves better, because he needs help and to get out of the relationship. No one can make you feel worthless without your consent, do not give anyone that power. Break up with him, after telling him why. Make him listen. AND IF HE FUCKING DARES TO TOUCH YOU PUNCH HIM OR YELL FOR HELP. Your worth can't be measured. You need to end this.

Anonymous said...

krill issue.
(I am the one this is addressed to)